Rice -A- Phoni

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1974 "Rice -A- Phoni" Jersey


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Gatoraid was deleted from the 4th series at the manufacturer's request, as shown by this Topps internal memo.

As I revisited this one, I read the name several times, trying to spot the pun. At first I doubted there was one. Real product: Gatorade, which also evokes perfectly well a drink made out of gators. In fact it may evoke it better than "Gatoraid." The later pun "Gutterade" is much better.

Grass Wax

1: bc-10-10SC alevPS
2: bc0000SC alevPS
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Brittle Soap Pads

Bridget Polk

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Swiss Mess

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Pullin' this one from my vaults.

David Saunders discusses his Norm Saunders creation of this Wacky Package at this post.

Awful Bits

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Log Cave In

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This doesn't have very much to do with "Seeing Magnified Wacky Art," but I thought some of you might get a kick out of this post about Norman Saunders, from the blog of his daughter Zina, who is an interesting illustrator in her own right:

Dr. ōno